Ready to exceed your 2021 goals?

Solo Photo Media

Sohler Pascal

Untere Gosta 186, 6793 Gaschurn, Österreich

We are happy to be there for you personally, because your business is individual - just like our marketing. Contact us without obligation to review your marketing strategy and to develop new concepts together.

If you want you can also schedule a free video call meeting via Zoom in the calender below.

Or just ring through!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Performance Marketing

Performance marketing is the name of a marketing discipline in which the success of marketing campaigns is precisely measured and optimized on the basis of the results. This measurement of success allows continuous improvement of the campaign setup and increasingly efficient use of the advertising budget. Goal of the measures: Generate sales in the online store as cheaply as possible. The "performance" of your campaigns is measured according to the marketing strategy and the goals set by your company.

Can Solo Photo Media help me at all?

For sure! The art of performance marketing is to be able to run profitable advertising campaigns in any industry. We dare to say that we can do it and that is why we are always happy to promote new Nichén.

My store is relatively new & has little reach. Is it too early for performance marketing?

Absolutely not! Recent cases of clients confirm that there is no better traffic channel for fresh e-commerce stores than Social Media Performance Marketing! For two reasons: 1. no other traffic channel can deliver such favorable results through such precise audience targeting. This means that extremely lucrative results can be achieved with comparably very tiny budgets. 2. No need for expensive setup fees, analytics programs or external bells and whistles. Facebook + your trusted store system is all you need to successfully launch an e-commerce store. Translated with (free version)

1. Kein anderer Traffic-Kanal kann durch so präzises Zielgruppentargeting derart günstige Ergebnisse liefern. Das heißt, dass mit vergleichbar sehr winzigen Budgets extrem lukrative Ergebnisse erzielt werden können.

2. Bedarf es keinen teuren Setup-Gebühren, Analyseprogrammen oder externem Schnick-Schnack. Facebook + dein Shopsystem des Vertrauens ist alles, was du brauchst, um erfolgreich einen E-Commerce Store aufzuziehen.

What kind of advertising budget should I expect?

This is completely individual. In industries such as restaurant & catering, we have already run successful campaigns for $ 15/day. In the e-commerce sector, extremely pleasing results can be achieved with a daily budget of $ 100. However, a precise statement can only be made once the product or service has been analyzed.

Eine genau Aussage lässt sich jedoch erst treffen, wenn man das Produkt bzw. die Dienstleistung analysiert hat.

Why Performance Marketing on Facebook & Instagram?

The numbers speak for themselves: 68% of German online users said they had already become aware of a product via social media. In total, 32 million people in Germany alone use Facebook and 25 million Instagram.

Do you only photograph/film in connection with marketing?

No. Our agency Solo Photo Media is based on film & photography and we are always happy when we get people, architecture, products and everything else in front of the lens.

How do I know if you're good at all?!

Certification or not, if the performance is not right in the end, the certification is useless!

That's why we are proud that we are able to learn and optimize through our terrific customers with every euro invested. Especially in performance marketing, practical experience is the be-all and end-all, and we have been able to gather plenty of it over the past few years.

In addition, we spare no expense & effort in our training, which is why we rely on the expertise of one of the largest performance marketing agencies in the DACH region, ADBAKER. Leading brands like Porsche, Ravensburger & Lacoste entrust them with their budgets.
